Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The interesting thing with starting a new blog--without being associated with a design store, as I once was--is that I feel as though I am talking to myself...heh heh =)
So, if you're visitng, or just stumbled on here--please feel free to say hello...
I love coffee......probably too much! When I saw this adorable kit, I knew I had to have it!
Thanks to the kit designer, Blagovesta Gosheva for her lovely "Coffee with a Friend" kit!
Her blog: http://blagovesta-gosheva.blogspot.com/

Saturday, September 15, 2012

A little graphic I made

WA: GingersHouse at blogspot.com
kit: Bel Scrap
poser: *Meine Bastelwelt* http://meine-bastelwelt.blogspot.com/

Thank you for visiting my little corner! Here's a little gift for you....FTU, PU, CU, et. al. No credit required -- just hope you enjoy it!


Ahh! My own little corner of the web!

Here is my little enchanted corner of the web….where fairies dance and make mischief and witchy-ness abounds! I love to create digital images…with them I try to inspire and encourage others. I also love to share crafty things–from spells to dinner recipes, Here is my place to spread love and all things mackical! I hope you’ll make yourself at home!
~ Rho